While I’m not gushing over mountain views or how you fell in love, you can find me snuggling my very fluffy bunny Lulu, along with my sweet husband. I have passion for all animals, arts, and the outdoors. I feel endlessly blessed that I’m able to live out one of my greatest passions everyday with you and others from the past,present, and future. I’m a girl filled with a mission to serve you by providing your favorite memories frozen in place to live through time, after time. My wish as a friend, and as a photographer, is that you never forget the magic that was within you in those passing moments. And that each time you visit your images, you’re transported back where the magic will only grow with each flip of a page, because you and your love is worth it. 


...with a wondrous desire to chase the light from the coasts of New England, to the mountain tops of the west, and to the cobble stoned streets of Europe and beyond. While I don’t remember a day I didn’t long for adventure and to experience a new destination, my roots always bring me back to my home here in Maine; where even after visiting 13 different countries, I still call my favorite place here on earth.


I'm Katie

where I was raised to view the wild with pure awe and thanks to Jesus. I couldn’t help but want to freeze moments whether it was a butterfly in take off, a field of wildflowers standing before a mountain range, or even rolling hills in Tuscany that looked over their gorgeous stone homes. I never wanted to forget how stunned I felt in the presence of this natural beauty. I still feel this way today! It has now shifted from not only landscape and travel photos, but to that deep desire of wanting and understanding the importance of freezing those exact moments and emotions in time, for you. I am a lover of love to say the least! To give you an idea, my small talk with a stranger will almost always include me asking them what their love story is or what kind of marriage advice they have to offer. I just believe love is one of our greatest gifts, so heck, lets talk about it!


   Photography met me at an early age...

"let love and faithfulness never leave you."

Proverbs 3:3-4

MY Top 


MY Top Travel Spots


03. Hawaii

02. new zeland

04. Greece

 bucket list

My travel 

1. Italy 
2. Santorini, Greece (greek islands)
3. Washington Parks
4. Oregon
5. Hawaii
6. Arizona
7.Yosemite National Park
9. Iceland
10. Colorado 

I never thought it would be true for me, but…when you know, you really do just know! After 9 months of dating I said yes to the love of my life and I haven’t looked back since! He is truly a gift. 

My guy

I have a free roam bunny who hops about the house. Truly amazing, I know.


I give all glory to God when it comes to my work and the gifts He's created me with. I truly believe the successes I have found in photography have been because of the genuine love I have for humans and the deep understanding of how we were made for love and out of love because of knowing Jesus. He has shown me so much grace and compassion over the years that it feels only natural to pour that out onto others. He is the reason I get to live each and every day through a joyful lens knowing that my identity is in Him and nothing else!

My Faith

I really do feel more blessed than I can adequately explain. My heart and soul feel most alive when photography and serving my couples are my main focus. I hope to never take for granted this career that started as a teenager chasing her dreams with no idea, by the grace of God, that it would one day lead to becoming her full time job almost 10 years later. I am eternally grateful. 



A few of my         


A few of my         things

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